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Be a part of our first official Counselor-In-Training (CIT) program! This is a unique opportunity for 13-15 year olds to join a fast-paced, fun environment, working with younger campers while receiving mentorship from a CIT manager and amazing counselors. You’ll learn from incredible leaders, gain confidence, build new friendships, and make a lasting impression on the younger campers.

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  • Cost: $325 for two weeks.

  • You must be 13-15 yrs old before the start of your session and apply for a full 2-week session. You may apply for multiple sessions.*

  • Week 1 will focus on training;

  • Week 2 will focus on putting your skills in action and leading activities. 

  • It’s a long day (9am - 4pm). We need CITs who are motivated, responsible, and enthusiastic about working with younger kids. 

  • You’ll be a role model for the younger campers and an assistant to the counselors.

*If you are accepted for more than one session, please know that you may be expected to repeat some aspects of training.

Program Overview
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What to Expect

(what you get!)

  1. Sharpen your leadership and problem-solving skills.

  2. Gain confidence in all-aspects (be a better babysitter, speak up in school, become a leader on your sports team). 

  3. Learn from amazing counselors in a creative, well-structured environment.

  4. Build friendships with other CITs. 

  5. School service learning hours. HOF meets the SPS service learning hours requirement given work is unpaid and there is an adult supervisor. HOWEVER, please consult with your school counselor as some schools have additional requirements.

  6. Certificate of HOFTC CIT Training & Official CIT T-shirt.

  7. Party & Award Ceremony at the end of 2-week session.

  8. Learn new games; possibly create a new game.

  9. Become a paid counselor: successful CITs may become fully-trained counselors when they turn 16.

  10. HAVE FUN & be outdoors in the summer!

What You'll Learn


All sessions are 9am – 4pm. Please note times may vary slightly for CITs. 

Program session dates & locations match our summer camp session dates. 


June 30 – July 11

Lower Woodland Park

(no session July 4th)


July 7-July 18


July 14 - July 25

Maple Leaf Playfield

1 CIT Spot Remaining!


July 21 - Aug 1


July 28 - Aug 8

View Ridge Park

CIT Spots are Filled


Aug 4 - Aug 15


Aug 11 - Aug 22

Session Dates
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Tips Below!


two-part process

There are two parts to the application in order to be considered.

1) Submit Online Application* — Now open via the link below! The Camp Director or CIT Program Manager will be in touch by email, phone - or maybe set up a video conference - to find out more about you and why you want to be a CIT at Hall of Fame Team Camp.

2) Register for the program (for parents). Once we agree that your child is the right fit for the CIT program, you will be instructed to choose your child's 2-week CIT session in our registration system. CIT enrollment options will not appear before then. The Camp Director or CIT Program Manager will be in touch with instructions. Please note: each 2-week session is limited to 7 CITs.

The Session 5 CIT cohort is full.

There is only 1 CIT spot remaining in Session 3.

Who should apply?

You must be 13-15 years old before the start of your session, and apply for the full 2-week session. *You may apply for more than one session.

CHARACTERIStics we're looking for

We are seeking candidates who are Motivated • Responsible • Enthusiastic to work with young kids.

Applicants do not need to have participated in a HOFTC Summer Camp in order to qualify.

Teen-only submissions

Our CIT Program is designed to to promote independence and encourage leadership in young teens. All parts of the application must be completed by the teen applicant, not by a parent or  guardian.

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